FOYERTANS physical health index calculation:
VFOYERTANS includes calculations for the following physical indicators:
BMI(Body Mass Index)
BMI=weight ÷ square of height (weight in kilograms; height in meters)
The formula for calculating glomerular filtration rate is: body weight (kg) × (140 age)/72 × serum creatinine value (mg/L)
Lung compliance
Pulmonary compliance=VT/(Pplat PEEP)
VT (tidal volume): ml
Pplat (suction platform pressure): cmH2O
PEEP (Positive End Respiratory Pressure): cmH2O
The normal range of lung compliance indicators is 50-100ml/cmH2O.
Pulmonary compliance is sensitive for early diagnosis of small airway diseases, and decreased pulmonary compliance is commonly seen in pneumonia, pulmonary edema, atelectasis, and pneumothorax