当前位置: 苹果软件 > PullUpTag 2024年10月29日00点已下架

PullUpTag 2024年10月29日00点已下架

  • 分类:苹果软件
  • 版本:v1.1
  • 大小:19.37M
  • 类型:工具
  • 时间:2024-12-07
介绍 相关
PullUpTag is a small tool that helps you better complete pull ups.
 You can set a goal that includes completion time and the number of pull ups.
 The app will automatically calculate the number of pull ups you need, and you need to bring your phone with you when doing pull ups.
 The app will record whether your pull-up has achieved the goal you set each time, unless you cancel it. You can share your pull-up history with your friends.
 You can calculate your IBM after exercising.