当前位置: 苹果软件 > Hockey My Computing 2024年10月14日14点已下架
Hockey My Computing 

Hockey My Computing 2024年10月14日14点已下架

  • 分类:苹果软件
  • 版本:v1.0
  • 大小:22.7M
  • 类型:工具
  • 时间:2024-12-06
介绍 相关
A very simple and ads free app to about the hockey sport to help you manage the details of hockey calculation.User can start the app by clicking the start button. Once user can start the app then move next page where user can choose hockey calculation category, once choose category then fill the related calculation details. Once user can fill the related calculation details then move next page where user can calculate the goal against average, save percentage, shooting percentage, hockey stick length, pdo, calories burned playing hockey Calculator. Download the app and enjoy the app.
Hockey My Computing 
                        2024年10月14日14点已下架 Hockey My Computing 
                        2024年10月14日14点已下架 Hockey My Computing 