当前位置: 苹果软件 > MenuSifu+


  • 分类:苹果软件
  • 版本:v1.3.5
  • 大小:27.44M
  • 类型:工具
  • 时间:2024-12-06
介绍 相关
MenuSifu+ provides MenuSifu Insights into key business operations that uses MenuSifu Management Services. It provides real time visualization into key business metrics, including sales, staff attendance & performances, and in depth analysis on business daily, weekly and monthly trends. The key metrics provide rich insights for restaurant operational cost optimization, efficiency improvement and investment risk assessment. On top of providing controlled accesses to a single restaurant's key operational metrics, it also has extended support for multi-restaurant or large chain management, including access control for different groups of restaurant managers, flexible grouping of branches into business concepts such as regions and controls accesses accordingly, and performance comparison between locations for investment optimization.
MenuSifu+ MenuSifu+ MenuSifu+