当前位置: 苹果软件 > CodeVista 2024年10月11日02点已下架

CodeVista 2024年10月11日02点已下架

  • 分类:苹果软件
  • 版本:v1.1
  • 大小:19.8M
  • 类型:工具
  • 时间:2024-12-05
介绍 相关
CodeVista Functionality Introduction: CodeVista is a powerful tool for QR codes and barcodes, integrating generation and recognition functionalities suitable for various scenarios: QR Code Generation: Supports generating standard QR codes and artistic QR codes. You can input custom content to create unique QR codes for business cards, website links, and more. Barcode Generation: Provides the ability to generate various barcode formats, facilitating product management. QR Code Recognition: Quickly recognize QR codes from photos in your gallery to extract information. Artistic QR Code Generation: Enter text to generate artistic QR codes with specific styles, making your QR codes more creative and personalized.