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Banana Timer

Banana Timer

  • 分类:苹果软件
  • 版本:v1.0.3
  • 大小:3.38M
  • 类型:效率
  • 时间:2024-12-05
介绍 相关
Yellow and tasteful tool for setting timers of any length. Useful for time boxing your tasks and keeping track of time without hassle. If you have hard time tracking time while working Banana Timer can provide some help. ◎ Do you need to leave for meeting in ten minutes? Set a timer! ◎ Want to schedule a break in 5 minutes but you need to finish your email first? Set a timer! ◎ Want to hyperfocus for 30 minutes but not forget that it's lunch time soon? Set a timer! Customise timers to your liking in preferences: - Open the app and click on Banana Timer icon in status bar - Select Preferences... - Customise your timers: ◎ Add ◎ Change timer length ◎ Remove ◎ Reorder them by dragging and dropping with your mouse You can use Banana Timer for anything you can imagine. It's simple to use and easy to learn. Go Bananas!