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O.R.S. Hydration Calculator

O.R.S. Hydration Calculator

  • 分类:苹果软件
  • 版本:v1.3
  • 大小:13.51M
  • 类型:健康健美
  • 时间:2024-12-05
介绍 相关
Whatever the weather and the intensity of the exercise, hydration is a critical factor for performance. Before competition, it is important not to drink too much or too little. During and after exercise, it is essential to compensate for the water and salts lost through perspiration by consuming a suitable drink such as O.R.S (150-250ml every 10-15 minutes during exercise). This app helps you calculate the proper amount of O.R.S. Hydration tablets required to take with water to properly hydrate your body.
O.R.S. Hydration Calculator O.R.S. Hydration Calculator O.R.S. Hydration Calculator O.R.S. Hydration Calculator