Farm Dog's digital crop protection hub saves you time in the field and helps you easily share your field observations. Named a top 20 agriculture app for 2020 by CropLife, Farm Dog helps growers and agronomists on over 2 million acres in both commodities and specialty crops.
**Top 20 App for 2020 and Beyond by CropLife**
**Top App You Shouldn't Farm Without by**
**Most Likely to Improve Farm Profitability at the AgEmerge Conference"
**Top scouting app by the United Soybean Board**
**Top Emerging Technology by the National Association of Independent Crop Consultants**
**Voted a top solution by John Deere dealers**
Farm Dog's digital crop protection hub includes:
1) best-in-class scouting platform
2) weather information
3) directed scouting via satellite imagery integration
4) pesticide label lookups
5) data insights
Easy setup and integrations:
**Shapefile import from your computer, John Deere Operations Center, Google Earth, and others
**View your scouting observations in John Deere Operations Center**