Recap is your personal AI meeting assistant that makes every meeting more productive. With Recap, you can record, transcribe, and summarize meetings effortlessly, ensuring you never miss important details.
Unlimited Recording
Record meetings, ideas, or brainstorming sessions without time limits. Focus on the conversation without worrying about interruptions.
Instant Transcription
Turn your voice into accurate text instantly. Recap supports multiple languages and provides full transcripts for easy review.
Smart Summaries
Get concise summaries of your meetings that highlight key points and takeaways. Save time and focus on what truly matters.
Meeting Efficiency Insights
Track the productivity of your meetings with actionable insights and analytics. Learn which sessions were effective and how to improve.
Multi-Language Support
Capture and transcribe recordings in multiple languages, making it perfect for global teams and collaborations.
Secure Cloud Storage
Access your recordings and notes anytime, anywhere. All data is securely stored in the cloud, so you never have to worry about losing important information.
Seamless Workflow
Designed with an intuitive interface, Recap makes it easy to capture and review notes, saving you time and effort.
Recap is like having an assistant in every meeting, helping you stay organized and productive. Download Recap today and transform the way you work.