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PierreSimon 2024年11月25日07点已下架

  • 分类:苹果软件
  • 版本:v2.0
  • 大小:9.08M
  • 类型:效率
  • 时间:2024-12-02
介绍 相关
The great French mathematician and astronomer Pierre-Simon (1749–1827) is recognized as one of the giants in science history. His pioneering work extended into many areas such as celestial mechanics, probability theory, and mathematical astronomy. He expanded Newtonian mechanics in the form of a mathematical description of gravity and motion of planets, building an important framework for understanding the solar system. His insights about probability were also the foundation of modern statistical theory. More evidence of his scientific genius lies in his work on the nebular hypothesis regarding the formation of the solar system which combined observational science with mathematical theory. 1 - Calculate Celestomechanical Precessional Anachronism 2 - Calculate Helioastral Parallaxic Retrocession Kinetics 3 - Calculate Prototypical Fermionic Gravitational Widening 4 - Calculate Periapsidal Orbital Anachronism Christoffel-symbol-derived Diffusor 5 - Calculate Rotational Differential Precessionary Translocator 6 - Calculate Transfinite Librationary Directional Ameliorator