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BiteSize Kanji JLPT Flashcards

BiteSize Kanji JLPT Flashcards

  • 分类:苹果软件
  • 版本:v1.7
  • 大小:18.47M
  • 类型:教育
  • 时间:2024-12-02
介绍 相关
Bite Sized Kanji JLPT Flashcards make it easier to learn over 2,000, by dividing each of the JLPT kanji into smaller groups, each with 50 Kanji character at max. You can still study all the Kanjis at once in case you want to test your progress. The app remembers the last kanji you studied, so that you could continue studying where you left off. Bite Sized Kanji JLPT Flashcards fully supports iPad split screen mode, to make it easier to study while doing something else. Features List:- - Supports keyboard shortcuts, so you could use the left & right arrows in your keyboard to move between Kanjis. - Kanji Flashcards from JLPT N5 to N1. - Each level is divided into smaller sets, each set contains 50 Kanji character to easily study them. - If you like, you can study all the Kanji is a certain level (e.g. You can study all the N1 Kanji at once). - The app remembers the last kanji you studied, so that you could continue studying where you left off. This is useful in case the app had to reload after returning to it after some time of not using it. - Each flash card shows the Kanji character, its English meaning & reading, & both its On'yomi And Kun'yomi readings - Displays the index of the current Kanji you're studying - Supports iPad split screen mode, so you could study Kanji while you are doing something else (your iPad needs to support that feature for this to work).
BiteSize Kanji JLPT Flashcards